Episode 7: "Frankenstein: A Guide to Reading and Reflecting" by Mary Shelley and Karen Swallow Prior

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What can a contemporary Christian learn from reading an 18th-century science fiction novel? In this episode Jenna and Lydia discuss Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. We discuss who Mary Shelley was, and how the radical ideals around her shaped her life and writings. We touch on themes of life and death, original sin, and the dangers of isolation and selfish ambition.

Resources Mentioned

Frankenstein: A Guide to Reading and Reflecting by Mary Shelley and Karen Swallow Prior

A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft

Romantic Outlaws by Charlotte Gordon

Paradise Lost by John Milton

Theogony by Hesiod (regarding Prometheus)

Ozymandias by Percy Bysse Shelley


Episode 8: Social Justice and "Confronting Injustice without Compromising the Truth" with Guest Alex DiPrima


Episode 6: Biblical Womanhood and "(A)Typical Woman" with Guest Author Abigail Dodds